Thrive Integrative Health
The success of acupuncture is largely tied to its unique approach to healing. Traditionally, acupuncture has focused on restoring the flow of the body’s vital substances which allows the body to heal itself. To accomplish this, acupuncturists focus on creating a balance between the body's organ systems so that it can function properly. Ancient Chinese medical practitioners labeled one of the body’s vital substances as Qi (chee). Qi is what allows a person to function and is responsible for determining a person’s health state.
While the study of acupuncture is complex, practitioners focus on stabilizing the pathways of the Qi which flows through various vessels in the body. It is believed that when these vessels become unbalanced, the cells, organs, and tissues within the body are deprived of their necessary nutrition and other vital substances. Unless these disruptions are corrected in a timely matter, the affected area of the body often becomes diseased or even dies. Conversely, if these vessels are opened up and remain open, normal function in the body can be restored. In fact, many patients report a reduction or absence of symptoms such as pain, tiredness, and nausea immediately upon receiving their first acupuncture treatment.
On your first visit to our clinic in Springfield VA, we will begin by performing a thorough history and examination. After the results are analyzed, we will identify the problematic areas and develop an individualized treatment plan. After the sterile needles are positioned, patients typically rest for 30-45 minutes as the treatment takes its course. Depending on the individual case, massage, moist heat, or cold packs may be combined with the therapy. The total visit typically lasts around an hour.
As with many conditions, the treatment effect can vary depending on the severity of the problem. Many patients report feeling immediate relief, while others describe noticing changes up to two days following the therapy. Depending on the patient and the number of visits, relief may last anywhere from a few hours to several weeks. It will be important to monitor this so that your treatment schedule can be altered appropriately.
While side effects are minimal, some patients have reported minor bouts of nausea, bruising, muscle pain, and difficulty sleeping following their initial treatment. If this occurs don't be alarmed and notify your treating health care professional prior to your next visit.
"Thanks again for all you have done-I feel you have improved things for me- my sciatica has come a long way! Or should I say almost gone away? Looking forward to the day I wake up and it’s all totally gone!"
Shawn B.
"After an initial visit today, I look forward to a pain free tomorrow. I pray I won’t have to take medications, which create depressive emotions and a feeling of isolation. I am also hoping to getting back to an active workout schedule, to include a neighbor jog! Imran should have recommended them sooner!!"
James P.